Thursday, January 1, 2009

Nick Grey and the Random Orchestra - Regal Daylight

Artist: Nick Grey and the Random Orchestra
Album name: Regal Daylight
Tracks :
  1. MP3Logo(You Can't Spell) Parachute Drops
  2. MP3LogoStructure and Faith
  3. MP3LogoNovember Fadeline
  4. MP3LogoObedient Fathers
  5. MP3LogoHiding in Seaweed
  6. MP3LogoThievesamongthorns
  7. MP3LogoLook Like Moses
  8. MP3LogoSong for Wyatt
  9. MP3LogoIntruders (Upon the Family Grief)
  10. MP3LogoThe Zealot
  11. MP3LogoWeeping Chipsets Workshop Mess

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