Artist: Ne ZhdaliTracks :
Album name: Whatever Happens Twist Vozduh
Rhino 6
No Justice
Bossa 2000 Turbo
Ma Vie
Spill A Noch A Moll
Wake Up Mumu
Flying Dutch
I'm looking for the lyrics of a particular Russian song.?
I know the first stanza and chorus of a traditional Russian song, which has three stanzas. I've forgotten the second and the third stanzas. Does anybody know them? Here is the first stanza, Anglicized:
First stanza
Prikhodila svakha v dom.
Zhdali svakhy v dome tom
N slovam eë divyas',
Slushaly roditelei.
Kak vlyubilcya vlebed' knyaz.
Knyazei luchshei otrodyas'
Knyazei luchshei otrodyas'
Vy eshchë ne videli.
Na beregu ogovoris'
I tam v lodechku cadis',
A tam za reku poezhai.
Zaryu vechernuyu vstrechai.
Ei. Gei. Zaryu, zaryu vechernuyu,
Vstrechai c podrugoi vernuyu.
The second stanza begins like this:
Shla nevesta pod fatoi
Oclepyaya kracotoi...
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